August is National Wellness Month

August is National Wellness Month

Good overall health involves much more than treating problems and conditions as they arise. To stay healthy in body and mind, you need to practice good daily habits that keep you strong, reduce your stress, and support your mental health. True wellness is a routine, not a general rule.

That’s why August is National Wellness Month, a nationwide health campaign that encourages us to focus on practicing good self-care, managing our stress, and creating healthy wellness routines. If wellness isn’t a way of life for you just yet, here are some tips and ideas to get you started.

Schedule your annual wellness visit. Too many of us wait until there’s a problem to visit our physician. But an annual check-up is an important way to stay on top of your health and well-being. This is the time to talk with your doctor about anything of concern, from trouble sleeping to mental health issues to your daily diet. Your doctor can also run annual tests to watch out for preventable issues and give you peace of mind throughout the year.

Discuss your prescriptions. Prescription medications are not one-size-fits-all. If you take daily medications, it’s important to discuss them regularly with your doctor and your pharmacist. Be sure to discuss side-effects, correct dosage instructions, and potential interactions with your entire healthcare team.

Start a fitness routine. Staying physically active is crucial to overall wellness, even if you think you don’t like to exercise. Find a fitness routine that feels great to you – that could be swimming laps, walking local nature trails, taking a spin class, or even joining a local sports team. If it’s fun and gets you moving, you’re on the right track.

Drink more water. Most Americans are chronically dehydrated, even though it’s well-known that drinking plenty of water helps with digestion, improves the look of skin, boosts your mood, and gives you energy. Everyone has different hydration needs, but a good general rule is to try to drink between eight and 10 (eight-ounce) glasses of water each day. Add sliced fruit or sugar-free flavor enhancers to mix up the taste if necessary.

Take a break from social media. If you find yourself mindlessly scrolling through your feeds, it may be time to take a break. Social media is known to cause anxiety, depression, feelings of inadequacy, and other mental health problems. Taking a break from your channels can help you recharge your mind and be more engaged in your real life. Just be sure to stay tuned to our page for updates and news on your local urgent care family!

Download a helpful app. There’s an app for everything in today’s digital world, and wellness is no exception. You can find apps to guide you in daily meditations; improve your sleep; combat stress and anxiety; and even connect you online with licensed therapists. There are fitness apps to keep you moving, nutrition apps to help with healthy food choices, and reminder apps to keep you on top of your annual appointments and daily medications.

As you work on your wellness this month, remember that Urgent Care of Fairhope is here to help with your health and wellness needs. From treating minor illnesses to providing B12 injections and more, we can help you feel your best all year long — no appointment ever necessary.

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